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11 Cat Accounts to Follow on Instagram Right Meow

11 Cat Accounts to Follow on Instagram Right Meow |

11 Cat Accounts to Follow on Instagram Right Meow

Happy International Cat Day, everyone. Today on this very important holiday, we’d like to introduce a few of our favorite furry friends we LOVE to follow on Instagram. Are you ready for a bunch of laser loving, playfully pouncing, can’t-handle-so-cute purrfect kitties? We thought you’d say yes.

1. cats_of_instagram

This account features some of the cutest kitties on the internet. In fact, many of our picks make frequent appearances. Just look at these lovebirds.

2. @realgrumpycat

So grumpy. So cute.

A post shared by Grumpy Cat (@realgrumpycat) on

3. @merlinragdoll

Also grumpy. Also cute.

When you do your makeup in the dark and then see it in natural lighting #thatlipsticktho

A post shared by Merlin (@merlinragdoll) on

4. @iamlilbub

This little guy has taken over the internet… and our hearts.

5. @Hamilton_the_Hipster_Cat

Oh hello, handsome.

6. @SamhasEyebrows

Yep, and they’re real.

7. @Jupiter_the_brit_cat


8. @White_Coffee_Cat

When a cat has better eyewear than you…

Sunday afternoon with family ❤️

A post shared by Coffee aka Mr. White (@white_coffee_cat) on

9. @catmantoo

This cat can ride a skateboard. Need we say more?

Me: I face planted dropping in at a skatepark. My Cat:

A post shared by Robert Dollwet (@catmantoo) on

10. @venustwofacecat

Have you ever seen such a magically gorgeous cat?


A post shared by Venus the Two Face Cat (@venustwofacecat) on

11. @smoothiethecat

Those eyes though.

50 shades of emerald.

A post shared by Smoothie the Cat (@smoothiethecat) on


Want more cats? Check out 17 Cats More Beautiful and Instagram Famous Than You11 Adorable Famous Cats on Instagram and of course Laser Cats.